Doom 2 Pinball

by Lars Thomas Boye

screenshot of doom 2 pinball table for visual pinball by larsboy

download doom 2 pinball table for visual pinball by larsboy
rulesheet of doom 2 pinball table for visual pinball by larsboy

Current version : 2.11 (24 sept. 2005)

For Visual Pinball v6.1 or better (see Visual Pinball links)

Based on the videogame "Doom 2" by ID Software

All images, sound and music are copyright ID Software

pinball table written by Lars Thomas Boye (Norway)

contact larsboy the creator of doom 2 pinball table for visual pinball

a few usefull files for Visual Pinball :

To run some VP tables you will probably need VBS scripts v3.26

download the VPinball v.7 no expiration date

for sure , if you want to manage 100's of Visual pinball tables

you'll need a good frontend like VP Launcher by Roland Scholz